Operation Lion Claws Military Simulation Series
Established in Oct. 2002, Operation Lion Claws Military Simulation Series (OLCMSS) has grown from a modest California based special event to an international military war games phenomena.
Led by a cast of inspirational military personalities ranging from COL (ret) Danny McKnight of Black Hawk Down fame, MSG (ret) Howard 'Mad Max' Mullen (co-author of Army's Hand to Hand Combat Manual), legendary Green Beret COL (ret) Paul Longgrear, SGT Kenn Miller, a LRRP man with 80 Vietnam missions under his belt, SGT Igor Dobroff, Soviet Airborne veteran from the Afghanistan conflict, 1SG Matt Eversmann also of Blackhawk Down fame, and USMC MSG Alexander Radke, OLCMSS has transformed a wide range of young men and women into Soldiers, Marines, Airmen and Sailors, many of them in their branches respective Special Ops programs.
OLCMSS provides a proper venue for men and women who crave action and excitement the opportunity to test his/her physical and mental strength. For two days, these adrenalin seekers will learn to follow orders and develop a sense of teamwork under mock combat conditions. Missions are created to generate a competitive spirit within the guidelines of teamwork.
Each participant must first apply for participation in each event. Underage participants must be vouched by an adult event alumni and apply for a position via a written petition. Father and son pairs are strongly encouraged while we make a point to accept returning frontline troops at moments notice. OLCMSS has been shown to be one of the most effective 'post combat stress relief' programs by returning soldiers. OLCMSS also offers a fertile ground to recruiters and retention officers. Event participant return rate is approximately 85%.
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