From Chief of Staff - Tyler O'Harrow

Forum for announcements for and discussing Best of USA Marketing's Operation Devil Dog
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From Chief of Staff - Tyler O'Harrow

Post by Lionclaws »

Hello everyone, Tyler your Chief of Staff here... One of the best things about OLCMSS, is that we are constantly on the search for the best AO’s for our attendee’s. Many times we have to constantly ‘evolve’ and/change rules and some of the ‘basics’ of our events due to location requirements put on us by the managing authority. This post is to bring you up to speed with where we are as of 07/07/2022 with Camp Pendleton Range 131, for our event Devil Dog 5. R131 is currently under the control by a new/different command. What that means is that even if you’ve been to a Devil Dog event in the past, things may be different than it was the first time you attended.
Sometimes we (OLCMSS) don’t agree with the restrictions put on us, but in order for us to ensure that we will be able to continue to be allowed access to these ‘fields’ we have to put those restrictions in to effect. Trust me when I tell you that John Lu fights as hard as he can to make sure that you, our customers, have the ability to enjoy yourself within the scope of the game of airsoft. Those of you that have attended Red Storm in Whittier California, Nevada State Prison, Phoenix Rising and any Camp Pendleton event, will know that sometimes we have to ‘change’ the rules or develop new rules to satisfy the management of the property.
We appreciate all of the attendees working with us when/while we make these adjustments. As stated, we don’t always agree with the restrictions that are placed on us, but we are in their house and must abide by their rules. Especially if hope to ever be invited back again.
In regards to Camp Pendleton as of this posting, you will be happy to know that the face to face meeting that John Lu and myself had with USMC 1st Recon was very productive and led to a very hopeful future with the new command. That being said, they are (were) very skeptical with the event. They did/do not know us and as with any new guest in your house, they have very specific rules and regulations that they are putting on the table for us to follow.
Devil Dog 5 is an ALUMNI ONLY game… why? Because 1.) Only those who have supported us in the past should be given the opportunity to enjoy airsoft on a real MILITARY MOUT training facility. How real? Well, let’s put it this way, we won’t be allowed access to R131 until the SEAL unit finishes their training on Friday. You should be proud to know that you will literally be playing airsoft on the same patch of Earth where Navy SEALs where training 24 hours earlier.
Point 2.) DD5 is Alumni only because in short... WE CAN NOT SCREW THIS UP. Who remembers Phoenix Rising? Yeah, enough said. We are trying to show the USMC how PROFESSIONAL and RESPECTFUL the OLCMSS participants are and that we are not just a bunch of ‘kids’ playing soldier on the weekends.
Fun Fact, USMC literally thought that we were just going to set up a “Capture the Flag” game and a free for all type of ‘game’. When I told them about our ideas for objectives and gave them the back story of the Corporation and why the Resistance was fighting against them, the entire ‘tone’ changed in their voice AND demeanor. We were no longer just a bunch of ‘kids’ that were looking for a cool place to ‘play’, we were a serious and professional group of ATHLETES that run complicated and involved scenarios. They started asking us questions and… Even asked if they might be able to ‘offer suggestions’ for future events. Yes.. FUTURE EVENTS. All of a sudden, we were discussing the possibility of different ranges and future events… even at different bases across the country.
What does that mean? It means, if we can show this command that we can be respectful, responsible AND mature about what we all love to do, we may have just opened the door to new training ranges on Camp Pendleton and possibly other bases. So please, keep all this is mind when we post up a new ‘restriction’ or implement a new ‘rule’ regarding (at least) this event.
My staff and I are working hard to develop an exciting scenario, filled with lots of objectives and props for you to enjoy yourself at Devil Dog 5. I have been the Chief of Staff on the (only) two previous events on R131. This means that I know the strengths and weaknesses of this range. I am writing the scenarios keeping in mind the ‘bottle necks’ and the ‘impassible’ areas of the field. Am I perfect? No… but I’m confident that I will write a game for you that has plenty of OPPORTUNITY for action. Don’t get hunkered down in a building for the duration of the game. Keep your objectives at the front of your brain and remember, this is not about the kill count. This is about the completion of your missions and objectives.
I look forward to seeing you all on deck. Over the next few days, I will be posting INDIVIDUAL threads detailing, as best I can, the up to date rules, restrictions and regulations that we WILL NEED to follow. I will be posting them in a manner that best reflects OLCMSS EVENT RULES while keeping within the boundaries given to us by USMC. John Lu and myself will continue to communicate with USMC regarding certain ‘restrictions’ and if we get any updates, we will forward them to you as soon as we can.
-Tyler O’Harrow
Chief of Staff Devil Dog 5

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