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Chrono with .32 bio bbs

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:56 am
by Lionclaws
Chrono team will use .32 bio bbs to chrono all AEG/HPA. Official OLCMSS chrono bbs are provided by High Power Airsoft (

Re: Chrono with .3 bio bbs

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:11 am
by Batman
shadowviper2 wrote:Will the sponsored bb's be available for sale at the event or is there somewhere we can purchase them prior to LC?
If you are looking for them just to chronograph, they will be provided by staff. If however you were looking to play with them, standby and I will seek a list of vendors that provide them. As of right now, I have not been made aware of any vendors attending this event .

Re: Chrono with .3 bio bbs

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:08 pm
by JactLegion61
^^^ according to previous correspondence TAN and GRAY ammo is the sure bet 100% allowed. Off white close to beige as well as brown ammo is also allowed. Evike sells Gray .33 ammo as well as .25 in tan. The requirement for these colors is based upon range control requirements.

Re: Chrono with .3 bio bbs

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:19 pm
by SideTrack

I am having the WORST luck finding BB's that meet all THREE criteria (BIO, WEIGHT, COLOR)

PLEASE HELP BEFORE FEB. to ensure shipment of these UNICORN BB's

Re: Chrono with .3 bio bbs

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 7:25 pm
by LtColRay
Chrono bb's are supplied at the chrono station. You will provide your own bb's for play. There is no limitations on weights or colors as long as they are biodegradable. If I am mistaken please correct me admins.

Re: Chrono with .3 bio bbs

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:32 am
by Sprout
LtColRay wrote:Chrono bb's are supplied at the chrono station. You will provide your own bb's for play. There is no limitations on weights or colors as long as they are biodegradable. If I am mistaken please correct me admins.
We require that BBs for events at Camp Pendleton be off white, brown or black. No Bright white BBs allowed.

Re: Chrono with .3 bio bbs

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:21 am
by Northman
Allstarr Airsoft will be the vendor on site for Operation Minuteman. They do carry the HPA bbs and will have then on site for purchase. If you would like to pre order bbs or anything else call Big John at 508-731-6300 and he can bring your order with him to save on shipping.

Re: Chrono with .3 bio bbs

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:36 pm
by PsychoBunnyG
Just double checking this for correctness, for the upcoming Operation Mjolnir, I have to Chrono with .3 bbs, but can I bring any weight bb I want? Or am I limited to only .3 and do color restrictions apply as well?

Re: Chrono with .3 bio bbs

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 9:19 am
by Sneezy
Question because I want to make sure there is no issue at chrono I am bringing my mk48 and the box magazine is kinda permanently attached to the gun making chrono a bit different for me I can show up with an empty mag but you’ll probably have to dump a few hundred rounds in the mag before it starts to feed at all out of the custom 10k round magazine. How will you want to chrono the beast?

Re: Chrono with .3 bio bbs

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:18 pm
by Jafo888
For the first timers… are tracers bb’s used at night games