Forum for announcements for and discussing Best of USA Marketing's Operation Irene
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Post by Lionclaws »



Understand that for the Friday night missions it was not truly TFR versus SNA but divided up evenly.
Both sides did a great job in playing, etc.
Evolution 1: Jail Complex (South Jail)
• Somali Objective – Breech, locate HVT, extract HVT to basement tunnel
• Ranger Objective – Locate HVT, secure HVT, prevent Somali from extracting HVT

Evolution 1: Jail Complex (North Jail)
• Somali Objective – Locate HVT, secure HVT, prevent Ranger from extracting HVT
• Ranger Objective – Breech, locate HVT, extract to basement tunnel

Evolution 2: Jail Complex (South Jail)
• Somali Objective – Locate HVT, secure HVT, prevent Ranger from extracting HVT
• Ranger Objective – Breech, locate HVT, extract to basement tunnel

Evolution 2: Jail Complex (North Jail)
• Somali Objective – Breech, locate HVT, extract HVT to basement tunnel
• Ranger Objective – Locate HVT, secure HVT, prevent Somali from extracting HVT


Mission 1: Muscky City, Welcome to Hell
• Somali Objective 1 – Defend city from Ranger invasion
• Somali Objective 2 – Find weapon caches and bomb making material
• Ranger Objective – Invade city and establish foothold
(ACHIEVED – TFR had total control of buildings 408, 8, and 7 – they pushed SNA back hard)
• Both sides were pretty much equal on finding weapons caches, etc.

Raid 1: Shanty Town
• Somali Objective – Locate crashed CH-53, secure 2 crewmen, exfil 2 crewmen
• Ranger Objective - Locate crashed CH-53, secure 2 crewmen, exfil 2 crewmen

Raid 2: Shanty Town
• Somali Objective – Locate crashed CH-53, secure 2 crewmen, exfil 2 crewmen
• Ranger Objective - Locate crashed CH-53, secure 2 crewmen, exfil 2 crewmen

Mission 2: Muscky City, Where’s the Beef
• Somali Objective 1 – Secure food dump site, secure 3 food containers, secure 2 UN aid workers, transport food to Bldg 22, exfiltrate aid workers to respawn
(Partial – 1 food containers)
• Somali Objective 2 – Locate weapon cache / bomb making equipment, return to respawn
(Patial – secured 1 piece of bomb making equipment)
• Ranger Objective 1 – Secure food dump site, secure 3 food containers, secure 2 UN aid workers, transport food to Bldg 22, exfiltrate aid workers to respawn
(Partial –2 food containers and 2 UN aid workers)
• Ranger Objective 2 – Locate weapon cache / bomb making equipment, return to respawn
(Patial – secured 1 piece of bomb making equipment and 1 missile, moved missile prior to authorization)
• Both sides were pretty much equal on finding weapons caches, etc.

Raid 3: Shanty Town
• Somali Objective – Locate crashed CH-53, secure 2 crewmen, exfil 2 crewmen
• Ranger Objective - Locate crashed CH-53, secure 2 crewmen, exfil 2 crewmen

Raid 4: Shanty Town
• Somali Objective – Locate crashed CH-53, secure 2 crewmen, exfil 2 crewmen
• Ranger Objective - Locate crashed CH-53, secure 2 crewmen, exfil 2 crewmen

Mission 3: Muscky City, That Others May Live
• Somali Objective 1 – Secure crashed Somali Cobra, locate flight data recorder, locate bodies, and mark airframe for destruction
• Somali Objective 2 – Locate missing detection gear and personnel lost from crash and return to respawn
• Somali Objective 3 – Prevent Ranger from destroying their crashed Huey
• Ranger Objective 1 – Secure crashed Ranger Huey, locate flight data recorder, locate bodies, and mark airframe for destruction
• Ranger Objective 2 – Search and mark Building 410
• Ranger Objective 3 – Prevent Somali from destroying their crashed Cobra
• Both sides were pretty much equal on finding weapons caches, etc.


Mission 4: Musky City, Justice be Done
• Somali Objective 1 – Locate, capture / kill Aidid, return Aidid to Respawn
• Somali Objective 2 – Control key structures in Muscky City
(FAILED – SNA held building 450series, building 6, building 22, and partial control of building 409)
• Ranger Objective 1 – Locate, capture / kill Aidid, return Aidid to Respawn
• Ranger Objective 2 – Control key structures in Muscky City
(FAILED – TFR held total control of building 9. Partial control of building 409)

Very basic synopsis:
Saturday day, TFR used superior numbers and aggression to win the objectives seemingly with ease. Though the afternoon could be because they totally abandoned the raid missions, did not even try. TFR failed the morning raid missions to capture the mercenary crew for questioning and then just seemed to abandon even trying in the afternoon, letting the pleas and requests by the intelligence community be rebuffed.

Saturday Night mission, even with "better tech and tactics and aggression", TFR seemed to almost effortlessly complete their objectives; but they were suddenly baffled by SNA's guile. SNA managed to get to their downed chopper, get the Flight Recorder and mark the airframe literally right under TFR's nose. SNA also managed to find their local-captured chemical weapons detection tech and detector equipment+samples, again, right from under TFR's nose. Which very much seemed a bit more bruised and bloody as it seemed that not helping with the afternoon raid missions turned the city more against TFR with an slight under current of discontent.

Sunday's mission.
TFR was off to a commanding lead at the beginning again with numbers, tech, and aggression. But the city's sullenness exploded into rage and their troops in the Northern woods began to be opposed by the city itself. Their leadership took their eye off their logistics train and SNA managed to use old but reliable transport to insert a squad into the parking garage right in front of TFR's spawn forcing TFR to waste lots of precious time to come back and clear it out.
Meanwhile SNA threw squads up the deadly stairs of 408 desperately trying to get Aidid.
While TFR also had more than a few well played pushes up the building, in the end SNA got Aidid and brought him to justice turning his corpse over to the UN.
The day ended with SNA in control of a building more than TFR, who again seemed a bit stunned by the parking garage insertion and the city itself fighting them in the woods. But they still rallied and held their ground.

It was a draw through and through. Good fighting from both sides.

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Location: Twin Cities, MN

Re: 2023 IRENE at MUTC AAR

Post by DowntownMN »

Thank you Jeff for the update. I will be posting my AAR shortly.

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