Sunday Post Op fire in Victorville

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Sunday Post Op fire in Victorville

Post by Lionclaws »

Victorville PD gave us permission to post the following:

Sunday, 5/29/2022.

0830 Deployment

0910 Approximately 0910 Mr. Lu, via vehicle, followed two Airport maintenance vehicles that casually drove through the AO toward the airport. Gunther, COS, also chased off two local vehicles that trespassed through our AO.

1200 Endex.

1200~1300 Raffle and closing with Mr. Lu urging everyone to leave by 2pm due to the 55MPH wind storm.

1431 Two departing attendees saw smoke coming from a building and proceed to investigate then called 911. Fire engines responded and contained the fire.

Mr. Lu and Mr. Porter met with both FD and PD on site and provided all relevant information. This is an on-going investigation by the PD.

All questions maybe directed through Victorville Police Department.

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