General Reminder on wearing US military insignia

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General Reminder on wearing US military insignia

Post by Lionclaws »

Please kindly refrain from wearing any US military patches that you did not earn. While it is impossible for all game organizers to check every single person, we simply ask that you show basic respect for our service members and do not wear any insignia that you did not earn.

Our photographers and admin have been notified to not post any photos with US military insignia on it unless the individual was properly vetted.

We appreciate your understanding. Thank you.


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Re: General Reminder on wearing US military insignia

Post by PITA I AM »

So Im confused. We can not wear any insignia to a mil-SIMULATION, not mil-REALISTIC, event that represents something that we did not earn, yet we run around with military and police style firearms and gear and divide into teams that represent special forces, QRF, etc.. wearing camo from said militaries. Then we go to an event that we are asked place GIANT YELLOW "DEA" labels on our back. Well we did not graduate from an academy for the DEA did we? Then we look at posted pictures of how a white guy is supposed to dress up as a cartel by referencing a photo that is possibly the most racist depiction out there? Discuss...

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Re: General Reminder on wearing US military insignia

Post by BlackHorseTrooper »

Sir or Ma’am,
Stolen Valor is a thing.
They just don’t want people wearing things like Combat Infantry Badges or Purple Hearts, or “Deployment” patches, some individuals take it personal and sometimes make bigger deal out of it than it needs to be.
For example, a kid wearing a ranger tab or scroll then a salty prior service member may cause drama over it, so by stating this “if you did not earn it, don’t wear it.” Should nip that in the bud.

I do see your point, and I do hope this shed some light. I would be a little miffed myself if I saw some teen or someone wearing a Medal of Honor or combat action badge that did not earn it.

You can wear it, if you’ve earned it. Or get custom patches / badges that apply to your team. I’m sure nobody wools have a problem with a FOXHOUND or Team 141 patches.
I am a Black Horse Trooper, the Finest in the Land. Allons!

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